Saturday 18 October 2008


Yesterday was a really good day...I'm starting to really enjoy Fridays because I have an hour with my band and a musical director which is always good; we always end up tighter as a unit and plus its always great playing with other musicians! After that I have the day free so I usually go get a coffee (always important) and sit using someone's wireless (thanks whoever you are!). After that I would get a practice room and well...practice.

My friend Sarah came in later and we had a jam on the piano because we're hoping to try a few open mic nights soon. We're so similar, we even have the same naf backing tracks on our i pods such as...well I can't say because we all need our guilty musical pleasures! So it was a good productive day and then I started to make my way up the high street towards home.

A man passed me and he said something to me so I rather reluctantly I have to say, took out my earphones and asked him to repeat himself...his name was Voytec and he was Polish and he simply wanted £1 for some food. Now, we hear this type of question everyday, well most city goers do and I wonder how many times we walk straight past? I know I do and I'm ashamed of this fact because as someone who has been involved with 'Christian outreach', I know very well what some of these people face and go through. I asked myself, how many times am I happy to help a homeless person when I'm with a group of Christians yet I am fully equipped (with the Holy Spirit) to help when its just me! 

He had no home and had been getting abuse from some people in the community. He carried a plastic bag that contained his life basically. I mean, how can I possibly comprehend that sort of existence?? I don't want to get all 'deep' but I have SOOOO much! Anyway so I chatted with him a bit and actually gave him £10 and he actually tried to give it back!!! He said it was too much! We said our goodbyes and the i pod (that I just HAD to have) felt so heavy in my hand as I walked toward my flat. 

So why am I telling you this...I can assure you that it is not to astound you with my compassion but to remind myself that I don't have nearly as much as I should!! I mean, this is what I'm trying to get my head around...I'm in London, in search of a career and will most certainly see many more people like Voytec. Bottom line...people need God and no matter where we are placed, we need to show people God! I think last night reminded me that there is a bigger picture beyond even our calling and I've been so focused on being a part of this music industry that I had forgotten that there's a reason I'm here that is so much more than getting to make music! I don't ever want to put my passion ahead of God's passion, which is simply...people. Of course I want to follow God and it is for His glory ultimately but I guess I just need reminded every so often.

I'm glad I met Voytec and I'm glad that in some small way, I was able to offer him a bit of hope and to him it was probably the fact that he would have food for the next few days! If you read this, please pray for him and maybe the next person who stops you on the street, with a different accent might experience a bit of hope and compassion.


Unknown said...

I worked with a polish guy (who grew up in south africa via zimbabwe...) guy in New Zealand called Woijtek (pronounced Voytek)

Good to see you bloggig betty

Keep it up


Elisabeth with an S said...

Cool!...was wondering how it was actually spelt.

Sarah Gilmour said...

very humbling!
Praying for you and for Woijtek.