Saturday, 2 May 2009

Perfect timing

A lot of very exciting things have been happening in my life over the past few weeks. The Rescue with Invisible Children was one of them and although we've done the rescue...there's so much more to be done. I was in tears this morning as I watched the Oprah Winfry show from Friday where she had the Chicago rescue riders on! What an impact that has made and perfect timing; those guys who camped out for 6 nights awaiting rescue have truly inspired me and when I was reading another blog, I have been encouraged by this idea of holding out for something. I mean, those guys could have gotten rescued on the first night...but they wouldn't have ended up on Oprah and so it overwhelms me sometimes just how perfect Gods timing really is.

So The Rescue and in particular Chicago, has helped me realise a lot, which leads me onto my other exciting matter. About a week and a half ago, I received a message on my myspace page from a guy in northern Ireland who is a jazz promoter/agent. I have known of this guy's reputation for years and he was always someone whom I wanted to hear me sing but I never had the confidence to push myself forward like that. Anyway, it completely took me by surprise...after years and especially the past few months since moving to London, of frustration about my future as a musician. You only have to read my blogs up until this point to understand just how down I was about what on earth i was going to end up doing, because as far as i was concerned, God wasn't really listening and I was somewhat confused as to why, after working so hard for years to be the musician I want to be, I wasn't where I expected to be...

I'm sure you understand but any fellow musicians or people trying to make a living out of live music, will heart wrenchingly know what I'm talking about. So this is why I was so surprised by this message. To cut a long story short, after my course is finished, I will be coming back to Northern Ireland. I don't want to say very much at the moment but its all looking really positive and I'm still in shock because I've waiting a long time for an opportunity like this!

I guess this is why this idea of perfect timing has become so real to me again after so long because when you're holding out for something and laying your self on the line so to speak, when things don't happen when you want, you begin to think they won't happen at all. That is what I have found terrifying in recent years, but I always knew the passion was still there so I had no reason to doubt God wanted to use it. My friend reminded me the other day that it may not look the way I imagined it, but if God's involved it will be the best thing...

Its a very exciting time for me at the moment and I plan to make the most of every opportunity London still has to offer and hopefully, I could be back over there in the future. I've learned a lot and God has been so good to me, ALL THE TIME and I admit that at times I didn't have any faith in that...

So, for anyone who has dreams, don't give up! God may change the course a bit, throw in sum potholes, but ultimately he knows the best route and the journey is never over. Plenty more potholes to come I'm sure!

1 comment:

:brittany// said...

so true. praying for you elisabeth, and SO excited to have you on this side of the pond again. (:

can't wait to see where God takes you!!!