On the 25th April I am taking part in a worldwide event organised by INVISIBLE CHILDREN. Who are they? Well, they are an organization seeking to eradicate the abduction of kids in Uganda for the purposes of the ongoing war there. I really urge you to take a look at the website from this link, therescue.invisiblechildren.com , it will explain it much better than me but basically, this is potentially a world changing event that could save the lives of child soldiers in Uganda.
My brother and his girlfriend will be going to the event in Dublin and so far I am going to the London one on my own...which is cool but the more support we have, the better! The event is in essence a symbolic venture to build awareness. What will happen is, everyone arrives at whatever location is chosen for their particular city (please note that this is worldwide, 10 countries, 100 cities) and then we all move together to another location. This is to symbolise how the kids or child soldiers in Uganda are kidnapped and moved during the night (to make it difficult to find them). So when we all move to another spot, we stay there until we get 'rescued'...hence why this event is called 'The Rescue'. Wait!
It doesn't end there...of course, we need to be rescued. Now this is the important part; each city worldwide will have high profile politicians and celebrities who will hopefully arrive and rescue us! I say hopefully because it is down to us to contact these people who are listed on each city's specific website and we need media coverage which is as important to organise. London for example has Fern Cotton, Horn and Cordon (Gavin and Stacey guys) and other political representatives and celebrities have been invited but it is up to everyone to make sure they come! This is a peaceful demonstration and if the invited moguls do not show up....basically we will sit tight until they come for us. Although if we encourage them to come, we won't have to do that! Also, at the various camps we will be writing letters, making banners etc...so bring some art supplies to get creative.....
Perhaps the most profound and potentially moving (for me anyway) aspect of the event is that we must bring family photos with us and leave them at the first camp to symbolise our abduction.
There are less than two weeks until this event so sign up now! Please go to the website and find out more, watch the youtube videos and join me on the 25th April!! All you need to do is sign up for your location, bring supplies for camping out (no tents tho)...remember, we are imagining ourselves as captives so bring essentials like food, water, sleeping bag etc...and simply get involved.
My video bar has a load of cool videos you can check out.
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